Tuesday, January 4, 2011
City Seeks Help With School Grant
The City of Lawrenceburg will be applying for a “Safe Routes to School Grant” through
TDOT; for the constructed of sidewalks from Ingram Sowell School on Seventh Street to Lawrence County High School on Springer Road.
This is a federally funded grant. The focus is on the benefits of children walking and biking
to school; promoting a healthier lifestyle. It is a competitive grant and the participation of citizens in support of this project will aid in the application and ultimate approval of this grant.
We encourage parents, teachers, and citizens to write letters of support for the sidewalks; citing this dangerous heavily traveled area and how sidewalks would improve the safety of children walking or biking to school as well as providing a safe area for citizens to walk and exercise, ultimately improving the neighborhood.
If you would like to assist the City of Lawrenceburg in this grant application, please send letters addressed to Mayor Keith Durham; 233 West Gaines Street; NBU #4; Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 and the letters will be included as part of the grant application.
Your participation is encouraged; the deadline for application is within the next few months.